Monday, August 29, 2005

My boss vetoed most of my blouses last week because they were either "too revealing" or because they "look like lingerie." That's why they are called "lingerie tops" dude. And both of my lingerie tops are not low cut. But whatever.

So now it is 83 degrees and I am wearing a sweater. Because I went shopping this weekend and all they have are tank tops or winter clothes. Feast or famine.

It is a really cute sweater (HammieLove loves it. It is cuddly.) but still a sweater. *sigh*

In other news, while we diving this weekend, HL and I saw a bird swimming uderwater trying to catch its lunch. And we were 65 feet underwater. Without our camera, of course. How cool is that though?


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5:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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5:55 PM  
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6:05 PM  

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