Friday, January 23, 2004

Fiction Friday!!

The book that I read this week (well, yesterday) is Apaches by Lorenzo Carcaterra (who is also the author of Street Boys which was the first Fiction Friday review).

Apaches is a novel based in New York City. It follows six former police officers that were forced to retire too soon due to severe on the job injuries. When one of the officers is enlisted to track down the kidnapped daughter of a friend, it leads him and his friends into a drug smuggling ring that uses dead babies as mules to carry drugs undetected (Ew.)
Boomer (the main character) leads his troop of renegade cops, who name themselves Apaches, to take down the leader of the drug ring, who is a ruthless as she is beautiful.

I was enamored by Street Boys so I had high expectations for this selection. I enjoyed the book though the pacing was little choppy for me. I had to suspend my disbelief at some of the actions of the rogue group. Overall, the book is a good diversion. A library check out maybe. I would not buy it though.

On the bright side? I lost three pounds in my two week foray into the Discovery Health Body Challenge. I was hoping for more, but I also have not been following their diet. Since I was home “sick” on Wednesday, my diet then consisted of chocolate chip cookies. Yum. And I have had about a soda a day to ward off terrible caffeine headaches.


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