Wednesday, August 08, 2007


I needed to this because there have been some things going on in my life that were bringing me down, reminding me of past mistakes. I can't change the past. There are definitely things that I have done in the past that I regret but I also know that if I hadn't of done those things and learned from them, I wouldn't be in the position that I am today. And today I am happy.

I am grateful that I have a wonderful, stable, loving and sexy man in my life. We bicker sometimes and we get grumpy at each other but we really do have a special kind of love. He makes me smile, kisses me on the forehead, laughs at my jokes and listens when I am complaining about stuff.

I am grateful for my true friends. These are few and far between and some of them are far away but I know they are always there for me, no matter what.

I am grateful for my family. They are all very far away and yes, we are sometimes dysfunctional. But sometimes I just need to hear, "I love you best."

I am grateful for my job. Yes, I am not fond of it. But I still earn a paycheck and I am grateful for that.

I am grateful for people that have stuck by me. Actually, I am grateful for the ones who didn't because through this past year or so of trials, I have discovered the meaning of true friendship.


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