Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Moving On

For those of you who were wondering, the entirely dignified, professional, and gramatically correct comments below were composed so poetically by my business partner, Desiree.

Give the girl a hand.

Let's move on to something more important, shall we?

I heard from David today! Not that he is off the hook or anything, ESPECIALLY since he is already back in Boston and couldn't find it in his busy schedule to visit his dear old friend when he was home for winter break.

But I'll forgive him. Because he is my homie. :)

He and his girly have moved in together though. *yay* If there is one person in my world (there are a lot more than one but bear with me) who deserves to be happy, it is him. Congrats, sweetie ( and your sweetie!). *mwah* Your ass better be home for summer though. :)

I am waiting patiently for TiVo to get past most of the commercials in the TWO HOUR ALIAS SEASON PREMIERE so I can fast forward through them all. Hammie loves her some TiVo!

HL hurt his ankle when he crashed his bike over New Year's. Poor dear is in so much pain! He had Monday and Tuesday off because of the rain but had to work in the mud today. He is not a happy camper! I made him a special dinner tonight and plyed him with Kendall Jackson Chard. He is having sweet dreams right now! I (for once) didn't crash this weekend. I didn't ride as much as I normally do since I was hanging out with my sis but no crashing is good! I did get to try out my friend's TRX450 (the quad I am coveting). I loved it! I checked out the Cycle Trader today and I am SURE that I will have mine by the end of the desert season. I am hoping to pay cash but if I have to finance a couple of grand, I'll manage. I can't wait to get my bike though! HL said I could sell my CR250 to help buy the quad and that brings me even closer.

This is going to be the best year ever.


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